Sunday 25 May 2014

My Return?

I tried starting this post a few times, but they were no good. There is a possibility I'm just going to delete this and start over, and for some reason I decided to share that with you.

I really do not know what to say. Should I apologize for leaving this blog with no notice? Should I just ignore that and continue like it never happened? Should I...? That's not the point. The point is that I truly don't know where to begin. Maybe talking about how I don't know where  to start is a pretty good starting point. 

Okay, past that. I am not very sure of where I left of a few years ago. I'm just going to do a quick little recap on my life from 3 years ago. 

So 2011, I moved to Dubai and I went to school there for two years. Last summer, I injured my knee and I had to go to India to get an ACL reconstruction. I then moved to Qatar in September and I had to go to my new school wearing a knee brace. I continued to wear this through December, when I was allowed to take it off. I couldn't really do sports, so for an entire term, I just sat on the benches during PE, and I didn't even go in Sports Day. I went to Steel Pans as ECA and I'm finding really fun. Now, I'm almost done with my first school year in Qatar, and it really has been a wonderful year. I have made a lot of great friends who welcomed me to the school with open arms. Also, as of yesterday, I am now 14. 

So there you have it. A basic summary of the last 3 (?) years of my life.  Along with it, an apology. An apology for leaving the blog I put so much effort and brainpower into. 

I guess this is it then. How do I end these? I should've probably looked back at old posts, but whatever. I'm all up for trying new things. 

Goodbye. For now. 

Monday 27 February 2012

Things Mom Will Never Say.

I am sure all of you already have a list going on in your mind as soon as you read the title. This post had been lying in the draft for  a long time. The longer it stayed the list grew longer - so before the list becomes a never-ending list , here are a few things you will never hear a mom say, and that's a promise.

  • If everybody else is doing it I guess it's okay.
  • You know, when you get down to it, I am your cleaning lady!
  • Forget about your homework. There'll be plenty of time to do it later.
  • If you don't stop crying, I'm going to cave and give you anything you want.
  • Keep the door open! We need to air-condition the neighborhood.
  • Just because you live under my roof doesn't mean you have to listen to everything I say.
  • You are right. You don't have enough clothes. Here's my credit card. you'd better go shopping right away.
  • Just because you were too sick to go to school today doesn't mean you can't hang out with your friends now.
  • If you can't say something nice about a person, text it.
  • I'm not doing this for your own good. I'm doing it because I feel like it.
  • To tell the truth, I can't really tell when you're lying to me.
  • When you get there, you get there. No need to call.
  • You know, I really do care who started it and yes, you have my permission to end it.
  • Those starving children in Ethiopia? They wouldn't eat this either.
  • Don't worry about getting up on time for family breakfast time,. You were awake too late last night.
  • Let's wait and see if your socks pick themselves up first.
  • Actually, I am made of money.

Having said that, I do understand (well most of the times) why the above never happens but, that shouldn't stop me from trying. Now, should it?


Sunday 22 January 2012

Reading now: Hetty Feather

Hetty Feather is a really emotional sort of book that takes place in the Victorian period about a girl named Hetty Feather who is abandoned as a baby. She goes to a foster hospital and gets a foster family whom she loves a lot. When she turns 6, her happiness is threatened because she has to go back to the foster hospital. But she is even more shocked after finding out her family is not actually hers.

When she goes to the hospital, she suffers a lot as she hates it there. She makes friends in the hospital but, she makes enemies too. She tries to look for her mother. Can she find her mother? Well thats for you to find out.

This book is really interesting and almost made me cry at certain times. It's written by the very talented author Jacqueline Wilson.

All Jacqueline Wilson fans need to read this.


Saturday 10 December 2011


I know I haven't written in a while - no excuses are good enough. However, I do owe an explanation -
so here goes.

Since my last post:

  • School is giving us loads of homework. 
  • My swimming is important to me and my coaches are tough.
  • My music exams keep me glued to the guitar.
  • Since I have managed to make some friends in the neighbourhood, I enjoy my time playing. cycling and generally goofing around with them.
  • Lately, the weather has changed - and we have had family picnics and BBQ's.
  • My baby brother has started making 3 word sentences, so I love to spend a lot of time with him and hear the funny pronunciation.
  • Weekend mornings are on the beach.
  • We have had friends and family visiting us.
  • Sleepovers with friends take up one day of the weekend.
  • Had a busy time during Halloween, Diwali.

The list could go on and on. However, I have made a conscious decision to write at least once a week.

Thank you for being there and reading and coming back often.

Friday 28 October 2011

Annoying Advertisments and Stupid Chain Mails

Have you ever seen one of those ads that say 'shoot the duck' or 'how many balls are bouncing', maybe even ' You won a new iPad 3 ' ? I'm talking about ads that flash, blink an vibrate. Others expand, pop open a window and play a song or video. These ads seem to come alive with no warning or invitation. What about those e-mails that say stuff like 'Pass on to five people or you will be cursed with bad luck' or something like ' if you pass this on to 8 people $20,000,000 will land on your roof '?

Yea? Well, so have I. These drive me up the wall ! Everyday, people make new advertisments which are completely mindless ! The chain mails just keep popping in my mailbox...Sometimes chain-mails freak me out so much I end up passing it on.

I always thought about making a 'stop chain-mails' mail so that everyone realizes how annoying they are but that goes completely against the point!

I have been so conscious clicking ads and making sure I deleted all chain mails after I found out clicking ads might get a virus and that chain-mails are created by hackers that hack you computer/laptop/ phone/ iPad/ tablet...

I don't know about you , but I really hate these things.