Sunday 22 January 2012

Reading now: Hetty Feather

Hetty Feather is a really emotional sort of book that takes place in the Victorian period about a girl named Hetty Feather who is abandoned as a baby. She goes to a foster hospital and gets a foster family whom she loves a lot. When she turns 6, her happiness is threatened because she has to go back to the foster hospital. But she is even more shocked after finding out her family is not actually hers.

When she goes to the hospital, she suffers a lot as she hates it there. She makes friends in the hospital but, she makes enemies too. She tries to look for her mother. Can she find her mother? Well thats for you to find out.

This book is really interesting and almost made me cry at certain times. It's written by the very talented author Jacqueline Wilson.

All Jacqueline Wilson fans need to read this.



  1. My daughter's favourite author. Thank you for remind me, I will buy the book for her. My congratulations in your blog, your wall paper is so cute and lovely. Keep writing. Books are parts of our soul expression

  2. Thank you James for coming over. I love books and love reading at all times.

    Hope your daughter likes the book too.

  3. sweet n nices blogs'''''''' click here! thanks,,,,,,,,,

  4. the world can always use more books like this!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can!
