Wednesday 31 August 2011


I am not a very superstitious person but when I overheard a mother telling her son not to open an umbrella indoors it got me thinking. I want to know where all these rumors start. Example: Opening an umbrella indoors, carrying a horse shoe, four leaved clovers, etc. Are they real or are they not?
I wonder if the rumors started to be completely different than what people believe today. Example if somebody said opening an umbrella indoors will protect you from the bad luck on Friday the 13th. People would get the story completely wrong due to miscommunication or anything else. I often wonder if it was our ancestors who started these rumors... Turns out they did. . I also wonder how long people have been following these superstitions. Superstitions began centuries ago when our ancestors tried to explain  mysterious circumstances or events as best as they could with the knowledge they had.
    For instance, before the development of science explained such strange things as why mirrors show our reflections or why shadows appear when it's when it's sunny, ancient people reasoned that a shadow or reflection was a part of their soul.
  If someone broke something onto which the shadow or reflection appeared, people believed that their soul was harmed. Therefore, when a person broke a mirror it was considered unlucky or harmful.
    This a list of common superstitions.
 1. Walking under a ladder will invite bad luck.
 2. Breaking a mirror will bring you 7 years of bad luck.
 3. It's bad luck to have a cat cross your path.
 4. Seeing a shooting star will bring you good luck.
 5. The number 13 is bad luck.
 6. Carrying a rabbit's foot is good luck.
 7. When visiting someone, leaving through a different door you came in is considered bad luck.
8. If you step on a crack you'll break you're mother's back.
If it rains on your wedding day you will be showered with good luck.

The thing that confuses me the most is that if it's true or not. I guess superstitions will be one of the unsolved mysteries of the world.

While I go figure out more about superstitions.. enjoy this song.

    Tuesday 23 August 2011


    Michael Morpurgo's Shadow - book cover

    I am currently reading a book called Shadow written by the very talented author Michael Morpurgo. Shadow is a very emotional book that takes place in Afghanistan. When Aman and his mother are in danger due to the Taliban, they try to escape and go to England. During their journey, they go through many dangers and little hopes of surviving. At this point their only happiness is because of a Springer Spaniel who  follows Aman like a shadow and that is what they decide to call him. But then it turns out the spaniel is a sniffing dog belonging to the British army. When Aman and his mom have to say goodbye to shadow they find it very hard.

    In the end they finally reach England.  Aman finally settles down in school however, because they don't have the right papers to let them live in England they are taken to a detention centre. One of Aman's friend from school, Matt's grandfather comes to visit Aman. When Aman tells him his story. Matt's grandfather is determind to try to help. At that point, Matt's grandfather is their only hope.

    This book is a very sad story that made me cry many times. But I guess that the sign of a good writer. The way the author has written this book you feel like the author has been in the situation where Aman and his mother are. It is SUCH a beautiful book and I would recommend it to everyone. If you have not heard of Michael Morpurgo you might of heard of his best books: Alone on a Wide Wide Sea and Kensuke's Kingdom.

    Monday 22 August 2011

    My anxiety on starting a new school

    I am going to start going to a new school soon and I'm burning with anxiety. Anxiety because I wonder what the school will be like, what type of friends I will will make and what type of teachers there are. There are basically 3 types of teachers : The mean teachers, the nice teachers and the clueless teachers(My personal favorite type of teachers are the clueless kind) .Along with anxiety I feel happy! I'm basically happy because I can finally make some friends! Having friends will definitely be a change after sitting at home all day.

    I have been to many schools in my life... And I always hated one part. Goodbyes. I start getting really emotional while saying goodbyes and try my best to avoid them. I'm not a huge fan of saying hellos either. Don't get me wrong... I like having new friends and all, it's just that i never know what that person is like and I have no clue what to say to them so basically I get really shy. 

    The last school I went to was the best school I've been to... I hope the school I go to here is like my previous school. I hope the friends I make will remain my friends for a very long time. And I really hope the school is all I hope it to be.

    Sunday 21 August 2011

    Unusual Animal Facts.

    As I continue to read this book... I would like to share about some animal facts . As you know animals come in all different shapes and sizes. They come in different facts, habits and more.

    A dolphin sleeps with one eye open.
    A crocodile can't stick it's tongue out.
    An insects blood is yellow and a lobsters blood is blue.
    Loud, fast music makes termites chew faster.
    Bars always exit a cave to the left.
    Camels have three eyelids to protect their eyes from the sand.
    Slugs have four noses.
    In the Caribbean, the oysters can climb trees.
    Cats can not taste sweet things.
    A blind chameleon can still change color to match it's environment.
    Statistically, you are more likely to be attacked by a cow than a shark.
    At birth, a giant panda is smaller than a mouse.
    A horned lizard squirts blood from it's eyelids to scare of it's enemies.
    Spider silk is heavier than steel.
    A snail can sleep for three years.
    Sheep can recognize other sheep from photographs.
    Bees have five eyes.
    Honeybees kill more people than venomous snakes do.
    Butterflies taste with their feet.
    Female ants do all the work.
    Female canaries cannot sing.
    Elephants and humans are the only creatures that can stand on their heads.
    If a starfish is cut into pieces each piece will turn into another starfish.
    Cats hate lemons.
    Emus and kangaroos can't walk backwards.
    Camels will spit if their annoyed.
    Most insects are deaf.
    Camels will sit when they are annoyed.

    Thursday 18 August 2011

    Ludicrous Laws

    I was continuing reading the book where I told you about in the last post when I came a across a part called  Ludicrous Laws. It's full of hilarious laws that did or do exist! Take a look! Enjoy ;)!

    Illinois: It's illegal to give lighted cigarettes to your pets.
    Florida: Men may not be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown.
    Florida: If an elephant is tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid.
    Alabama: It's illegal to wear a fake moustache in church.
    Brainerd, Minnesota: Every man must grow a beard.
    Ohio: It's illegal to sell beer in a Santa Claus Costume.
    Toronto, Canada: It's illegal to ride streetcars on Sundays after eating garlic.
    Indiana: People are not allowed to attend any movie house or streetcar until four hours after eating garlic.
    Kentucky: It's illegal to carry ice-cream in your pocket.
    Indiana: It's prohibited to have a bath in the winter.
    Kentucky: You have to bath at least once a year.
    Atlanta, Georgia: It's illegal to tie a giraffe to a streetlamp or telephone pole.
    Somalia, Africa: It's illegal to carry old gum on your nose.
    Milan: $100 fines could be held out if citizens are seen without a smile on their face. Exemptions include times when citizens are visiting the hospital or attending a funeral.
    Oklahoma: Citizens who make faces at dogs maybe jailed.
    San Francisco: It is illegal to use old underwear to was your car.
    New York: It is illegal to let your dog sleep in the bathtub.
    Russia: During the time of Peter the Great any man with a beard had to pay a special tax.
    Georgia: It's illegal to slap an old friend on the back.
    Missouri: It's illegal to play hopscotch on a Sunday.
    Connecticut: It's illegal to walk across the street on your hands.
    Avignon, France: It's illegal for a flying saucer to land in the city.
    Athens: A drivers licence could be taken away if the driver is unbathed or poorly dressed.
    Florida: Housewives are not allowed to break more than three dishes a day.
    Paraguay: Duelling is legal as long as both players are registered blood donors.
    New York: It's illegal to do anything that is against the law.
    Louisana: Biting someone with your natural teeth is an assault, while biting someone with your false teeth is aggravated assault.

    Tuesday 16 August 2011

    Funny Phobias

    I was reading a book which has loads of phobias and some that really made me laugh. Here are some of them. Enjoy ;) !

    Ablutophobia is the fear of bathing.
    Agyrophobia is the fear of streets of crossing the street.
    Alektorophobia is the fear of chickens.
    Alliumphobia is the fear of garlic.
    Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.
    Anablepophobia is the fear of looking up.
    Barophobia is the fear of gravity.
    Bibliophobia is the fear of books.
    Bromidrosiphobia is the fear of body odor.
    Chaetophobia is the fear of hair.
    Clinophobia is the fear of going to bed.
    Coulrophobia is the fear of clowns.
    Doraphobia is the fear of fur.
    Emetophobia is the fear of vomiting.
    Geniophobia is the fear of chins.
    Heliophobia is the fear of the sun.
    Koniophobia is the fear of dust.
    Lachanophobia is the fear of vegetables.
    Logophobia is the fear of words.
    Macrophobia is the far of long waits.
    Myrmecophobia is the fear of ants,
    Nebulaphobia is the fear of fog.
    Ochophobia is the fear of vehicles.
    Ombrophobia is the fear if rain.
    Ornithophobia is the fear of birds.
    Panophobia is the fear of everything.
    Paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th.
    Peladophobia is the fear of bald people.
    Philophobia is the fear of falling in love.
    Phobophobia is the fear of fears.
    Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.
    Ranidaphobia is the fear of frogs.
    Somniphobia is the fear of sleep.
    Taphephobia is the fear of being buried alive.
    Teratophobia is the fear of monsters or deformed people.
    Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13.
    Wiccaphobia is the fear of witches or witchcraft.
    Xenophobia is the fear of strangers of foreigners.
    Zoophobia is the fear of animals.

    Sunday 14 August 2011

    My love for rain

    I LOVE rain! I love walking in the rain while the rain falls on my head and shoulders. I love the smell of rain. After it rains, I love to take walks outside and enjoy the wonderfully fresh smell ! I also love the way the earth looks after rain... the way it is supposed to look! Some people might complain about the rain... But me? No way! If I had to choose a season to live in, I would choose monsoon! I also love rain because of the rainbows. In my entire life, I have only seen 2 rainbows. This year, I hope to see more. In the monsoon I don't have to be scared of the sun! But unfortunately, in this part of the world you only get rain in the winters so if you urgently need rain in the middle east when it's NOT winter, you'll have to make do by just getting dressed for a walk in the rain and then stand under a shower with an umbrella.
    I used to love a song when I was young called "Rain drops keep falling on my head". It goes like this:
    'Rain drops keep fallin' on ma head
    Like the guy who's feet is too big for his bed''

    To check just how much you love the take this test.

    I Love the Rain

    Too bad I have to wait for a loooong time for Monsoon... Well, all is fair in rain and sun.

    Thursday 11 August 2011

    Cruelty to animals

    25 years ago, Bob Mckeown stunned the world with an investigative report that showed that many wildlife documentaries were staged for the television cameras. They also revealed that animals often died during the making of the movies; all for entertainment values!

    Make up is actually tested on animals! Would you believe that loads of innocent animals are dying right at this moment! The very moment you're reading this reading this ! The killing of innocent seals is taking place right now! Can we just sit back and watch this terrible thing considered a 'sport' ?! What have these innocent creatures done to us? Seal skin . Can you believe that people wear seal skin ?? How can someone wear something that once used to be a adorable, innocent thing like a seal ?

    I'm not only talking about seals here . I'm talking about all possible animals that have been treated badly! Did you know in some places like Mexico or USA there are dog fights where people pay to see a large
    dog completely injuring (sometimes even killing) a smaller, weaker dog! How can someone do that?!

    Do you remember your last trip t the circus? I do. And I for one am not going to go anymore. I agree that I had an awesome time, but has anyone ever wondered what happens back stage? Well, I'll tell you. Animals get whipped , beaten , poked my sharp objects and even burnt ; just to learn the routine ! Secondly, the cages: more than half of the day animals that perform in circuses have to stay in cages too small for them. Lastly, circuses choose animals of a very small age because they're good for training. They keep them working in a circus for a long time and then when they think the animal is not useful any more; they let them into the wild. Most animals have been at the circuses since childhood so how are they supposed to know what to do? Most of them would probably die instantly !

    Did you know that 18 foxes need to be killed to make one fox fur coat? And believe it or not 55 miks to make a mink coat!

    Its not fair to kill these animals or torture them for our welfare !

    If you are with me to stop this , join me and many others on this site..

    Monday 8 August 2011

    Personal Message

    Dear followers,

    Sorry to keep you waiting for a new post for 2 days but I was having a BLAST at a sleepover with my BBFL (Bestest, best friend for life). However, I shall try my level best to be as regular as I can.

    Thursday 4 August 2011

    Her Dream

    Her hair in a bun,
    Her head held up high,
    As she thinks of a dream,
    She gives out a sigh,

    At her first ballet recital,
    She lets out an excited giggle,
    As she practices her grand jetes,
    Her friends continue to mingle,

    She imagines the crowd,
    As this is her dream,
    To be the best ballerina,
    The world has ever seen,

    As she walks up to the stage,
    The music starts,
    She dances with her soul,
    She dances with her heart,

    She dances with grace,
    A beautiful sight,
    At the end of the show,
    The applause was filled with delight,

    6 years from now there she is,
    Living her dream, 
    To be the best ballerina,
    The world has ever see.

    -Roshni Nayar

    Wednesday 3 August 2011

    Why I Love Bahrain!

    Bahrain is one of the best places I've lived all my life. I have made friends from all over the world. From Australia to Brunei to Switzerland to Yemen to UK to Holland and many, many more. All from different parts of the world, yet so similar.

    I got to see the world famous Michael Schumacher race in the Grand Prix. I got to open up an oyster to find a pearl and it is now one of my most prized possessions. I'll miss not being able to go to Wahoo and The Lost Paradise of Dilmun  (both water parks).

    I never knew I'd ever say this but I actually loved my school. The British School of Bahrain is the BEST school I've ever been to so far. I also love Bahrain for all it's restaurants. There's Sushi to Thai food to Italians pizzas to big, fat, juicy burgers, Lebanese cuisine and etc. There's this one place called Maya and it sells the most delicious food EVER. Everything has chocolate in!! Maya has 2 giant cartons in the corner of the restaurant and they are filled with CHOCOLATE!!!!!!! There are pipes connected to each of them and the pipes go all around the restaurant and eventually lead to the kitchen. Unfortunately, the restaurant has closed down and will be replaced by  a restaurant called Fat Burger that sells Fat Burgers. hahaha.

    Another reason I love Bahrain is because the weather is extremely predictable except in the winters when sometimes there is more rain or wind. Another thing I've heard is that, in the summer, you can fry an egg on the bonnet of your car (although witnesses say it takes around 30 to 45 minutes). Bahrain also has the most exquisite history in the Gulf even though nobody really realizes it.

    Bahrain is also very famous for pearl diving. There aren't so many places where you can go underwater and come up with something so valuable and beautiful. Bahrain has a stretch of untouched desert which is usually used for desert camping.

    I definitely miss Bahrain but I'm so excited to be living in Dubai again :D ! I can't believe I'm going to meet all my friends again !